Friday, November 18, 2011

Illustration Assignment: Advertising Poster- Rimblade

Rimblade in the android market place at current.This is for my Intro to Illustration and my Digital Illustration class.

My task is to create an advertising related illustration. Since our (Gremlin Games) Android Mobile App game 'Rimblade' is in beta right now and available for download AND in need of some limelight, I thought I'd do the Android splash page and icon for my assignment.

This is where the piece will be displayed:

Refined Concepts:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Assignment: Narrative - Happiest person on Earth for Christmas

Assignment: Draw the happiest person on earth with a Christmas theme.

I believe the intent here is to draw Santa as the happiest man on Earth. To be honest I can't. Well, not can't, but wont. I know that for Christmas Santa isn't the happiest man on earth, but it's people like Hannah and her dad, Master Sergeant Joesph Myers.

There is a current fad going around the internet of showing soldiers homecomings in big ways and the OUTPOURING of emotion that follows, when I was asked to portray the 'happiest' person on earth, this is what I thought of. Basically..  tears. Not just tears, continual uncontrollable sobbing because these people are so happy.

So I want to say to you daughters of soldiers out there, YOU inspire ME.

I cried the entire time I painted this. I cried because I am so happy for YOU.


Feel free to take a look at where I pulled these from:!

Round of Thumbs 1 - for ideas, composition and positioning.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Assignment: Narrative - "Nothing Ventured.."

Assignment: The goal is to create an Narrative based illustration based on the phrase: "Nothing Ventured, nothing gained."

I went through a variety of ideas, everything from a skydiver, to a sleeping beauty style prince, to a guy looking through a portal. (see below) Eventually I went with a portal, but mostly because I loved the idea of playing with the lighting from the portal.  Enjoy!

Gosh I've been sick lately. So it's been extra difficult to get this all done.

Some early ideas I sketched out in the process of figuring out what I wanted to do:

Assignment: Self Characture

Assignment: Take a picture of myself using the iMac's Photobooth option in class and characterize it. ( I just made that word up)